August 9, 2015

August 9, 2015 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

I had the honor on Saturday to introduce the band Kashmir at the Chicago Hot Dog Fest, sponsored by Chicago History Museum!!! If you didn’t make it out Friday or Saturday, it continues today, August 9. Get out there and eat some hot dogs!!

And you def need to visit the Chicago History Museum while there and check out their new film The Great Chicago Adventure!! Starring yours truly and Othel Robert Owen – Actor and Model.

Chicago Hot Dog Fest !!

Chicago Hot Dog Fest sponsored by Chicago History Museum

hot dog fest 3

Chicago Hot Dog Fest !! ~with my cousin Gabby!!

hot dog fest

Chicago Hot Dog Fest !! Introducing the band Kashmir


July 9th, 2015

August 9, 2015 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

We had a second screening/premiere for members of the Chicago History Museum this week, along with a question and answer session after the film. I had a blast!! It was so exciting to see Stephanie, from my agency there, as well as other family and friends who could not make the July 4th event.

Question and answer session after the film.

Question and answer session after the film


Stephanie – my agent from Lilys Talent!!