August 9, 2015

August 9, 2015 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

I had the honor on Saturday to introduce the band Kashmir at the Chicago Hot Dog Fest, sponsored by Chicago History Museum!!! If you didn’t make it out Friday or Saturday, it continues today, August 9. Get out there and eat some hot dogs!!

And you def need to visit the Chicago History Museum while there and check out their new film The Great Chicago Adventure!! Starring yours truly and Othel Robert Owen – Actor and Model.

Chicago Hot Dog Fest !!

Chicago Hot Dog Fest sponsored by Chicago History Museum

hot dog fest 3

Chicago Hot Dog Fest !! ~with my cousin Gabby!!

hot dog fest

Chicago Hot Dog Fest !! Introducing the band Kashmir


August 6, 2015

August 9, 2015 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

Fantastic day on set! My director was Marcus Nispel, (who directs some of my favorite films)…Very very cool  opportunity. I’m extremely grateful!!




July 30, 2015

August 9, 2015 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

Booked the job!!!!!!!! After 3 callbacks!

July 9th, 2015

August 9, 2015 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

We had a second screening/premiere for members of the Chicago History Museum this week, along with a question and answer session after the film. I had a blast!! It was so exciting to see Stephanie, from my agency there, as well as other family and friends who could not make the July 4th event.

Question and answer session after the film.

Question and answer session after the film


Stephanie – my agent from Lilys Talent!!

July 6, 2015

August 9, 2015 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

Fantastic time at the Premiere of The Great Chicago Adventure and the unveiling of the new theatre at the Chicago History Museum. Othel and I were proud to be asked to read the Declaration of Independence at the opening ceremony. It was a beautiful day and I was happy so many of my friends and family were there to share it with me.


The display at the Chicago History Museum for The Great Chicago Adventure


Our 'chairs' :)

Our chairs 🙂


Reading the Declaration of Independence

Reading the Declaration of Independence


My friends and family

My friends and family

July 5, 2014

July 5, 2014 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

A Red Orchid Youth Ensemble:
Ellie Danisch, Elita Ernsteen, Jaiden Fallo, Stella Rothenberg, 
Elenna Sindler, Eden Strong, and Aria Szalai-Raymond
Also Featuring:
Stephen Cefalu, Jr., Noah Simon, Peter Surma, and Tamara White
     ….and special guests nightly!
Pins and Withers
A story about the importance of looking closer
     before you judge a book by its udder.
July 11 – July 19
Fridays at 7:30, Saturdays at 4:00 and 7:30
Tickets $10

February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

Less than 2 weeks until Opening Night of The Sparrow!! I better see you there!!


January 18, 2014

January 19, 2014 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

I’ve been absent for awhile but things have been going extremely well! I just completed my Acting Showcase (Our Town) at ChiArts last night (which was a success), rehearsals for ‘The Sparrow’ are still continuing, I just got re-signed with my amazing agency Lily’s as exclusive for the third year in a row, and I have two upcoming auditions this week!

It has definitely been busy!!

December 8, 2013

December 14, 2013 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

Wooooo got the part!!!!! I will be Jenny in The Sparrow at ChiArts!! Rehearsals start this week!!

September 8th, 2013

September 8, 2013 | Filed Under Ellie Danisch | Leave a Comment 

Great day filming with Dakota Raen!! We finished Death 101 – the latest production from Fathead Films, Director Keith Romine.



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